A room for the

quiet, odd &
poetic web

Bringing people from different disciplines together to celebrate the web as a medium and material.

2023 – Copenhagen, Denmark
2024 – Ljubljana, Slovenia
2025 – TBA

... this could have been you.




Dear visitor,You are invited to join Naive Yearly: the room for the quiet, odd, and poet web.Naive Yearly gathers people who expand what the web is and can be. Artists, designers, educators, developers, writers and organizers who avoid nostalgia and technological utopias but use the internet and the open protocols to invite us to see the world anew in the present tense. As such, it is a day of the art of living.My wish is to foster an atmosphere that steers us like a gentle river, away from abstraction and into the wild sea with our pockets full of sunflower seeds.I’m currently preparing this year’s edition. Expect more information around May.With care




Besides the single-day conference, the program consists of social activities such as a park-day, boat-tour, and the after-party.As something new for 2025, one or two community hosted summits will take place the day before the conference.More information to follow.




All talks from Naive Yearly are adapted into essays to make the conversations travel beyond the walls of the room. Done in partnership with Are.na.




Naive Yearly is only possible because of the support, dedication, and generosity by the partners. Would you like to contribute? Email kristoffer@naiveyearly.com.*Dear Emily, Josh, Abraham, and the Hypertext Foundation, thank you for keeping the web alive and your generous support.*Dear Meg, Daniel and cab, thank you for Are.na, my favourite place on the internet. I'm grateful that the talks will once again live there.*Dear Sam, thank you for Inventory-ing, my favourite podcast. It's honor to have you as a media partner.*
Dear Ben, thank you for crafting the generous design identity. With DreamsTM, miracles happen.
*Dear Maja, Manca, Hanna, Nusa, and the rest of the Museum of Architecture and Design, thank you for the trust, collaboration and inspiration — and for opening the doors to MAO in 2024. And to Tine, Sus, and the rest of the National Film School of Denmark to do the same in 2023.*Dear Martin, Cecilia, Carla Cammilla, Andres and Lucy, thank you for showing me the poetry of your gatherings: The Conference, Social Service Club and IAM Weekend. And to all my past colleagues at CPH:DOX and Techfestival for teaching me how to organize with the heart.*Dear Ana, thank you for the life we live. I aspire to write like you photograph and think like you walk.
